Irrigation systems for strata properties, acreage and home owners

Everything requires water, including the grass and plants that make up the beauty of a landscaped yard and property. To keep all the living plants on your property happy and healthy, they need sufficient water. There are many options available, some that are manual, but the easiest way is installing an irrigation system.

The bonus of using an irrigation system is it removes the need to “remember” when to water and for how long, if you add a timer or automatic component to the system. With many cities implementing watering restrictions from the spring through to the fall, using an irrigation system automates the watering process and keeps it appropriate and for set periods of time.  Your water bill and your plants, trees and grass will appreciate this change.

Three of the most common types of irrigation systems used by strata properties, on large acreage homes and by home owners are:

  • Drip irrigation – A type of localized irrigation in which drops of water are delivered at or near the root of plants. In this type of irrigation, evaporation and runoff are minimized.

  • Sprinkler irrigation – Water is distributed by overhead high-pressure sprinklers or guns from a central location in the field or from sprinklers on moving platforms.
  • Manual irrigation – Water is provided through a manual process, such as by watering can.

An irrigation system can be simple or complex. Most home owners need only a simple system, whereas a property consisting of many strata homes with shared green spaces, will need something more complex.

Drip Irrigation

The most common type of irrigation today for most homes and strata properties, is the drip irrigation system. By placing water closer to the roots, you minimize evaporation. As water is being applied close to the roots, you also reduce the germination of weeds in your gardens.

Drip irrigation is great in areas where your gardens are not level. The pipes that control the water also help with the soil erosion. Over time, you will not have as much water flowing over your soil. With less water flowing, the less you need to worry about soil erosion.

Drip irrigation can be costly and does require maintenance. Using proper pipes is an investment in your irrigation system.

Sprinkler Irrigation

When you have large areas of grass or large gardens, a sprinkler system can be the best form of watering. Using slightly pressurized buried pipes with sprinkler heads, the water sprays out of the heads

Lush lawns need irrigation systems to stay green

and covers distances.  With these types of irrigation systems, you must be careful not to have the heads exposed where they get damaged when cutting the grass or doing line trimming.

Manual Irrigation 

We are all familiar with the manual irrigation system. That is taking your watering can or hose and purposely providing water to your gardens, plants and lawn. It’s a time intensive endeavour but there is something to be said of the tranquility manual watering offers. Sometimes it is just relaxing to spend some time watering.

No matter what method of watering and irrigation you have or would like to get installed, Transformations Landscaping is here to help. Give us a call at 604-316-7792 to discuss your landscaping needs for your strata property, home, farm or acreage.